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Hi MovieLens users! We recently launched our first major revision to MovieLens since 2003! Please help us grow in the right direction by giving us thoughtful feedback on the design and functioning of the new user experience.

Ideas, questions, and bug reports are all welcome here.

590 results found

  1. Titles according to user language (localization)

    IMDB shows the title of a film in my language (as guessed from my browser settings, I guess). Even if you keep the user interface in English, you should offer (at least in searches) my interface language (with fallbacks for same-language different-country titles), English and the original film language.

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    under review  ·  Max Harper responded

    Thanks for the feedback! We do have a very international user base, so this makes sense.

  2. "Unexpected Likes" and "Unexpected Dislikes" on "About your ratings" page.

    On the "About your ratings page", it would be great to have sections that show which of one's ratings have the largest positive/negative discrepancy with the (leave-one-out) predicted rating for that movie.

    To put it another way, it would be great to be able to see one's own eccentricities with respect to the algorithm as well as with respect to the bulk of MovieLens users.

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  3. Filter by Length / Duration

    Add a Length / Duration filter. Sometimes you have just a short amount of time and want to see something that fits that window. Other times, you are in the mood to see a 3 hour behemoth . Since the informations is already there, it shouldn't be diffcult to implement.

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    under review  ·  Max Harper responded

    Thanks for the idea – yes, we do have the information to add that filter, good to know that there’s a use case!

  4. Link to films available on Netflix

    It would be useful to be able to filter films by only those available on Netflix

    Right now have to do a search for any film that has a high rating from movielens

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  5. Kodi (XBMC) and Plex plugins?

    Kodi (former XBMC) and Plex are the best HTPC software. The hardcode movie lovers are using them to organize and watch their movies.

    What about of plugins for those?

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  6. Export results option

    I´ve like the option to export all my recomendations, my wishlist, my ratings or every list I can generate. So later I can analyze this in other software.
    If this, I discovered that watched more Spielberg than I've liked... or cross later with my imdb list and verify what is diferent, what is missing.
    Some data is never enough :)

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  7. Occasionally "force" me to rate movies I've already rated.

    I end up rating movies that I've recently seen much higher than similarly good movies from years ago. Giving me (users) an occasional movie to rate that I've already rated without my showing my previous rating might keep algorithms freshly accurate, or at least would provide additional data points. Complex? Yes, but perhaps quite valuable.

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  8. "Sorry, a problem occurred while importing your ratings."

    I'm trying to import my ratings from IMDB and I'm receiving the following error:

    "Sorry, a problem occurred while importing your ratings."

    It happens within a few seconds. Any ideas?

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  9. Import personal ratings has just ended their service and sent everyone's personal ratings to their email. Therefore, lots of people would like to import their ratings to MovieLens.

    Please, make your import thingy to work its magic with jinni's rating file in csv-format! All you need to do is to match Title.

    Here is a sample of jinni.xls format

    Bram Stoker's Dracula;1992;Movie;10;17.5.2014
    Moulin Rouge;2001;Movie;10;27.10.2013
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly;1966;Movie;10;1.8.2012

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  10. Filter by movie country

    It is nice to have a good recommendation for artsy movies but I would like to have the option to filter them out.

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    planned  ·  Max Harper responded

    We are planning to add the capability of filtering by language, which I think gets you what you’re looking for.

    I suppose the other option would be to have a filter to “hide a genre” – e.g., all genres except x. We’re not planning that one, but happy to hear feedback.

  11. Show movies by similarity

    I'd like a way to view the list of movies organised by similarity, e.g. setting, script writer, adapted from same source / remakes.

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    under review  ·  Max Harper responded

    I’m interested in hearing ideas from movielens users on how we might operationalize these features.

  12. Adding TV show recommendations, with a toggle so we can choose between either viewing movies, shows, or both at the same time.

    I love movies, but I've been wanting to watch shows lately and would love it if my current movie ratings could be used to predict what shows I would like. I know not everyone would want to see shows be recommend, so I think being able to toggle.

    Plus I've been trying to get some friends to start using Movielens but they dislike that you can't rate shows.

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  13. Add a language filter for searches

    One of the features that kept my interest with Movielens was how varied the nationality of the recommendations I received. looking at my current recommendations the top ones are all western films or foreign films that were redistributed in the west. Would it be possible to add a filter by language and/or nationality?

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    planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Admin →
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  14. Allow arbitrary precision for predictions in stars widget

    Currently, the predicted stars widgets display predicted ratings with 0.5 star precision. E.g., if the predicted rating is 3.82, it will make 3 and a half of the stars blue. It would be more useful to make three full stars and 82% of a fourth star blue.

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  15. Post rotten tomatoes ratings

    Post rotten tomatoes ratings

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  16. dismiss recommendation

    Easily dismiss recommendation, i now hide the movie
    There are movies that i do not intent to see, so i cannot rate them negatively because i haven't seen them, but i want the "system" to know not to recommend them.

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  17. Filter by language

    It would be nice if I could remove anything that is in a language I cannot understand

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  18. Bring Back "Streaming Service" Filter

    That was the primary search function that I used. Disappointed.

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  19. Search by rating prediction

    I would like to be able to search by what the prediction machine thinks i will rate a movie. For example, it would be nice if i could see all the movies that it thinks i will rate above a 4.25 within the horror genre, or all movies above a 4.00 from after 2010, etc. That would be such a helpful feature.

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  20. Justify the Personal Ratings

    Tell us why MovieLens rated a particularly movie so high or low. Cite ratings on a couple of similar movies, and list the top 3-5 tags that contributed.

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